"Yakona" film set at Sewell Park |
This film created by Paul Collins and Anlo Sepulveda takes the viewers on a flow through the clear waters of the San Marcos River to prehistoric to modern times based on the waters of Spring Lake. Yakona shows views how the river evolved from ancient times up until the modern era over a span of thousands of years.
During the film process, the producers noticed environmental and architectural changes in the area of San Marcos and the springs including the restoration of the springs, discovery of pre-historic human remains, and the removal of the San Marcos Amusement Park. The phrase Yakona is from a Native American language meaning "rising water" and communicates to viewers the importance of keeping the river conserved through the use of impressionistic scenes captured up close to view the beautiful features that nature has to offer.
Featured also in SXSW 2014 on March 8, fellow San Martians received the opportunity to experience the glorious visuals of the natural beauties of San Marcos, Texas.
For more information on the film, visit http://yakona.org/.
No copyright infringement intended. We do no own the rights to this video.
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